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The idea is still similar to the SLFLWWProject, writing "I Am.. " on a

poster OR on your arm and filling in the blank with a word you can relate to.

It can be something positive or negative, stuff you are proud of, problems you

struggle with, or just something you want to tell your idols, whatever you want!

Note: you can download the poster design on the "DOWNLOADS" section.

You can also just write on a plain A4 paper if you can't print/write on your arm.

We want to give everyone in every fandom a chance to express themselves and show who they really are, or how their idols helped them through a thought time and made them stronger, braver and more confident.



Post your picture of your own I am sentence on your social media along with #FansStandTogether and #ThanksTo---IAm (the artist name in ---)


#FansStandTogether #ThanksTo5SOSIAm Brave

#FansStandTogether #ThanksToShawnIAm Confident 

#FansStandTogether #ThanksTo1DIAm Not Alone



Saturday and Sunday, 7th and 8th January.

More questions?

You can email us or DM us on twitter, Tumblr and Instagram.


Twitter: @SLFLWWProject

Instagram: SLFLWWProject

Tumblr: worldwideproject5sos


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